Praise the pumpkin gods

I am the Pumpkin Queen. I have a bit of a love affair with all things pumpkin and have made it my goal to try as many pumpkin spice-related things this season and in all the autumns as long as I live. "There's nothing unique about that," you say. And you're right. It's not. But I'm not in the business of giving all that many fucks. So sit back and read and then get your ass out there and praise the pumpkin gods for these glorious gifts.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale

10/10 Most beer "connoisseurs" (at least the ones on state they pour this from bottle to whatever fancy glass, but as a lady of the highest class, I drink it from the bottle. That said, I have no idea what color this beer is, the only thing I can tell you is that it tastes like a spiced dark beer. It boasts a 8.5% alcohol per volume, so if you are used to the average beer, this might strike you as a bit boozy. I didn't think it was particularly boozy, but it is full-bodied, like a good, strong black coffee. Though there is no actual pumpkin flavor that I can detect, there is plenty of malt and nutmeg. As far as flavored beers go, this one exceeded my expectations. I will be buying more.

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