Praise the pumpkin gods

I am the Pumpkin Queen. I have a bit of a love affair with all things pumpkin and have made it my goal to try as many pumpkin spice-related things this season and in all the autumns as long as I live. "There's nothing unique about that," you say. And you're right. It's not. But I'm not in the business of giving all that many fucks. So sit back and read and then get your ass out there and praise the pumpkin gods for these glorious gifts.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dave's Mini Donuts

10/10 A visit to the New York Renaissance Faire this weekend proved not only fun because of the mead, archery, and vast array of costumes to admire, but because I found these gems; behold, the mini pumpkin pie donuts of Dave's Mini Donuts! I happened to glance at this menu on my first visit but could not locate it that day. So when my boyfriend and I returned for a second visit this weekend, I made it a mission not to leave until I found these donuts. I really should have photographed the actual food, but seriously, I didn't have time for that. We gobbled them down pretty quickly. They were just too delicious served warm in a standard rectangular, cardboard container, covered in nutmeggy, cinnamonny, caramelly goodness. And to finish them off, the graham cracker crumbs! Oh lord, the graham cracker crumbs!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale

10/10 Most beer "connoisseurs" (at least the ones on state they pour this from bottle to whatever fancy glass, but as a lady of the highest class, I drink it from the bottle. That said, I have no idea what color this beer is, the only thing I can tell you is that it tastes like a spiced dark beer. It boasts a 8.5% alcohol per volume, so if you are used to the average beer, this might strike you as a bit boozy. I didn't think it was particularly boozy, but it is full-bodied, like a good, strong black coffee. Though there is no actual pumpkin flavor that I can detect, there is plenty of malt and nutmeg. As far as flavored beers go, this one exceeded my expectations. I will be buying more.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Muffin and Pumpkin Iced Coffee

10/10 How do I begin with this post? On the east coast on the north American continent somewhere in the USA, there is a popular coffee and doughnut chain called Dunkin Donuts. Every year, starting around September, they bring back numerous pumpkiny delights such as the ones pictured here. Behold the glorious pumpkin muffin and pumpkin coffee! I wait for this every year. Ideallly, a hot coffee with pumpkin flavoring is best, but since the temperatures here have reached summer-level heights, I opted for iced coffee. The muffin smelled like the perfect marriage of nutmeg, cinnamon and allspice and when the first morsel hit my tongue, I didn't think my morning could any better. But then I took a sip of my coffee and my mouth exploded in pumpkin spice goodness. My breakfast morale raised, I dove into the muffin once more, first taking a large piece of icing chased by pieces of muffin, then straight pieces of muffin chased by pumpkin iced coffee. The sleep-deprived me was no more as I devoured this decadent delight. I went into work a human who has tasted heaven incarnate.

Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Spice bread

2/10 I had high hopes for this bread because of how good it smelled when I took a couple slices out of the package to toast for breakfast. It smelled highly of cinnamon but toasting it rendered it almost tasteless and non distinguishable from regular cinnamon bread.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Entenmann's Pumpkin Donuts

6/10 Upon first sniff I became excited to bite into one of these because it smelled like pumpkin spice. I tore a piece off and the cake wasn't crumbly at all. Pleased with this discovery I continued to eat it, drawn in by the sweetness of the glaze most of all. This was just like any glazed donut but as my boyfriend put it, "I can taste the lingering pumpkin spices after I had the whole thing." Which is a pretty good thing for something labeled as "pumpkin." At least it wasn't tasteless. I took points off because the sweetness of the glaze overpowered the pumpkin spices. But all in all, a tasty treat I would recommend.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Brookyln Brand Post Road Pumpkin Ale

8/10 To awaken this new season of all things pumpkin, I introduce to you sumthing of great importance to me; beer, but not just any beer, PUMPKIN BEER. Now I won't lie, pumpkin beer has never been a favorite of mine. It lacks the potent hops and malt flavor that I savor from an IPA, but when I bought a 6-pack of this on a whim (while we are being completely honest, they were out of my usual choice, and I settled with this), I brought it home and was delightfully surprised.There were notes of the hops that I thrive for, as well as notes of nutmeg and cinnamon that make pumpkin spice, well, PUMPKIN SPICE that I've never tasted so far in a pumpkin ale. At a 5% ABV, it served as an adequate thirst-quencher and offers a satisfying pumpkin spice flavor for those so inclined. The first sip is heavy, full of hops and malt. Seconds later it fades and opens up a world of cinnamon and nutmeg onto your tastebuds. The aftermath of the first sip leaves you satisfied and delighted in your pumpkin spice purchase. You won't be disappointed.